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privacy & cookies statement

privacy statement

The Safety-Research Database for and from Economic Evaluations (SRDEE) takes the utmost care when dealing with personal data. The SRDEE wants you to know that personal information will always be processed correctly and with due care and attention. The privacy statement informs you about how the SRDEE processes your personal information and it explains your rights regarding this.

The policy on data processing and protection is set out as the following:
  1. Purpose of processing personal data: This Privacy Statement outlines the purposes for which your data will be processed. We process personal data in the context of operational management only.In the context of its operational management, the SRDEE processes the personal data of logged in users for the following purposes:
    • Providing and delivering a user account to enable adding, editing and saving to favourites and exporting favourite data; and
    • Contacting the user if clarification of added/edited data is needed
    • Informing the user for eventual security issues related to their user profile

  2. Principles underlying the processing of data: The principles underlying the processing of data for the purposes described above are diverse. Primarily, the processing of data supports the SRDEE in the performance of its tasks, i.e. providing open access data for research and other economic evaluation- related purposes. Processing of data may also take place on the basis or for the purpose of:
    • A legitimate interest of the SRDEE to process the data
    • The consent to process data granted by you
    If you have given the SRDEE consent to processes your personal data, you have the option to withdraw your consent.

  3. Further processing: The SRDEE data-base does not use any personal data for purposes other than those for which they were collected.

  4. Categories of personal data: Personal data are all data by which you can be identified (directly or indirectly). Herewith, we outline which categories of personal data are processed by the SRDEE.
    • Contact details: email address
    • Account information: encrypted password
    • Location data: anonymized IP numbers, only for website statistics (not connected to the user)
  5. Recipients of your personal data: Within the SRDEE database, your personal data will only be processed by individuals who need access to your data, and only related to the purpose described under these privacy statement.

  6. External sources of data: The SRDEE obtains the personal data it processes from you. This database does not obtain personal data from an external source.

  7. Storage periods: The SRDEE will not retain your personal data longer than is necessary for achieving the processing objectives. The exact storage periods and the conditions for extending them will be determined by the SRDEE for each processing activity. Upon request, the SRDEE will inform you how long your personal data will be stored. Personal data may be kept longer if required for historical, statistical or academic purposes.

  8. Automated decision-making: The SRDEE does not use any profiling or automated decision-making based on personal data.

  9. Your rights: You have various rights under privacy legislation. You may request further information from the SRDEE at any time regarding an overview of all of the personal data that has been collected concerning you, how it has been processed, how long it will be stored for, if some of your personal data is incorrect or if you no longer want your data to be processed. You can ask for this data to be amended, for the SRDEE to stop processing it or to have it deleted. If you want to exercise any of these rights, please contact the SRDEE at info [at] with your written request. Your request will be assessed and processed within one month of receipt. If your request deals with a complicated issue or if you submit many requests, this period may be extended to a maximum of three months. In order to be taken into consideration, it must first be established whether the request has been submitted by an authorized person and whether or not the request is legitimate. This is why you may be asked for your ID before the request is taken into consideration.

    You have the right to ask the SRDEE for an overview of the personal data collected on you, the processing thereof and the applicable storage periods. If you feel that your personal data are incorrect or if you no longer want your data to be processed, you can submit a request to change these data or to stop processing your personal data and to delete them. In certain cases, you are also entitled to a copy of your personal data in a usable format. If you have given permission for the processing of your data, you also have the right to revoke this permission. In order to assess and process your request, your personal data will naturally be processed.

  10. Complaints: If you are of the opinion that the provisions of this Privacy Statement are not being complied with or have another reason to complain about the handling of your personal data, please file a complaint with the SRDEE by email: info [at] The SRDEE will inform you when your complaint is taken under consideration, and try to resolve it to the best of their ability. In addition to addressing questions, requests and complaints to the SRDEE, you have the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority. In the Netherlands, this is the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens (AP).

  11. Amendments to this Privacy Statement: The first version of this Privacy Statement was adopted by the owners the SRDEE database on 24 November 2021 and was subsequently published on the SRDEE’s public website, taking effect as of that date. The SRDEE is authorized to change this privacy statement for the reason of: possible amendment(s) to laws and regulations or new laws and regulations, changes to the General Privacy Policy of the SRDEE and advances in technology. Naturally, this will be published and accessible to you.

    Last edited on: 24 November 2021.
Data breaches: A data breach occurs when personal information is destroyed, accessed or released without explicit permission. This includes leaking information (whether accidentally or intentionally), as well as the unlawful processing of personal data. The most common examples of data breaches are computer being hacked or files containing personal data falling into the wrong hands via the waste paper bin. If you encounter or suspect a breach of data, report this immediately to the SRDEE via info [at]

Contact details: e-mail, info [at]


The website uses only one, server- side necessary cookie to store whether you are logged in or not. The system needs this information for the purpose of adding/ editing or storing data in your favorites. This data base is not using any tracking cookies.


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All commonly used Internet browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and their equivalents for mobile devices) offer an option to completely erase and permanently refuse cookies. The latest versions of these web browsers offer a ‘Do Not Track (Do not follow me)’ setting, preventing connected advertisement networks from mapping your behavior. You can change your cookie settings, it will not affect the functionality of the website.

Last modified: 24 November 2021

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The overall content of this website, unless explicitly stated otherwise, is copyright of the SRDEE, owned by T. Fens and B.P. Fens and may not be reproduced without prior permission. By accessing these web page, you agree that any downloading of content is for personal, non-commercial reference only. No part of this website may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior consent of the SRDEE owners.