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salmeterol/fluticasone (LABA/ICS)
On this page you can navigate the results of your search from all the adverse events and their costs, disutilities, durations, frequency of occurrence and other data OR you can choose one particular AE and investigate its costs, disutilities, durations, frequency of occurrence and other data.

The orange number indicates the number of items per data category.

When you navigate your cursor over a particular item it changes the color into orange and you can make your selection. Use the links above the title to navigate back to different category or start over.

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available (2)

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frequency of occ.
other data
pneumonia (1)
cost (1)
tuberculosis *[1] (1)
cost (1)

[1] Tuberculosis (TB) is a highly contagious infection, caused by the bacteria (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) that most often affect the lungs.

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